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Memory of a Loved One


This armchair was hand crafted to represent my grandmother who had passed away from dementia. The armchair was a representation of her favourite armchair and some of the fabrics used was her own clothing. 


In this project, there was use of multi-sensory to stimulate the senses and to allow others to relate to it in different ways. The armchair was scented with cigarettes and perfume that my grandmother used.


The objects that was placed on the armchair was different objects that represented her such as her glasses, the ashtray as she was a smoker all her life and the tea pot and childrens' cup was to represent the different phases in her life. She needed to be assisted to drink her drinks as she got older and was further into her dementia.


The fabric on the right side of the armchair is falling off the chair representing her losing her memory but the beauty of her life will always be there with everyone who knew her.

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